> On Mar 18, 5:08 pm, Gary Johnson<garyj...@spocom.com> wrote:
>> On 2010-03-18, Kenneth Reid Beesley wrote:
>>> I've successfully written a number of keymap files, and I
>>> successfully choose them with the set command, e.g.
>>> :set keymap=myKeymapFile_utf-8
>>> and I know that CTRL-^ will toggle back and forth between the
>>> current keymap and the previous keymap.
>>> My Problem: I often use multiple keymaps, one after another, and
>>> sometimes I need to switch from using the currently active keymap,
>>> whatever it might be, back to the neutral keymap (or lack of a
>>> keymap). CTRL-^ toggles me back to the previous keymap, which
>>> might not be the neutral one.
>>> Question: How do I explicitly "turn off" keymap usage? or 'set
>>> keymap' to some neutral value?
>> According to ":help keymap", the default is "", so either
>> :set keymap=
>> or
>> :let&keymap = ''
>> should do it. I don't know anything about keymaps, so I haven't
>> verified this.
>> HTH,
>> Gary
> I had already tried
> :set keymap=
> and
> :set keymap=""
> without success. But your
> :let&keymap=""
> (adding a second double quote) worked.
> Many thanks,
> Ken
The results of
:set keymap=
and of
:let &keymap = ""
ought to be identical. (For the record, what Gary proposed wasn't
:let &keymap = "
with one double quote, but
:let &keymap = ''
with two single ones, which should also give the same result.
Note that since 'keymap' is a buffer-local option, it is recommended to
set it using ":setlocal" if you want to set it for one file without
clobbering other present and future files' setting.
In Normal mode, Ctrl-^ has a different meaning. To toggle (from Normal
mode) whether keymaps will apply (in the current buffer) to the argument
of r f t F T etc. (as well as the next time you start Insert mode), you
can use
:let &l:imi = !&l:imi
(see :help 'iminsert')
assuming that you aren't using an Input Method (you cannot use both an
IM and a keymap in the same buffer at the same time anyway).
I have found the following mappings useful:
" F8: toggle keymaps
:map <F8> :set &l:imi = !&l:imi<CR>
:map! <F8> <C-^>
(especially on keyboards like mine, where Ctrl-^ can only be reached by
holding down both Ctrl and AltGr while hitting unshifted 6).
Best regards,
ZOOT: I'm afraid our life must seem very dull and quiet compared to yours.
We are but eightscore young blondes, all between sixteen and
nineteen-and-a-half, cut off in this castle, with no one to
protect us.
Oooh. It is a lonely life ... bathing ... dressing ...
undressing ...
making exciting underwear....
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY)
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